The LIFE AskREACH project has developed a European wide database for article suppliers to submit information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in their articles. The database is now open for suppliers to submit their data via the supplier front end.
The supplier front end is constantly being developed and further functionalities will be implemented in the coming months.
The AskREACH manual for article suppliers should offer you guidance about efficiently using the database. For any questions related to the system, please contact
The consumer smartphone app will be launched officially this autumn, allowing consumers to access the information provided in the database and make SVHC requests for articles not found in the database.
Article 33 of the REACH Regulation defines the duty of companies to communicate information on SVHC in articles. On request by a consumer, any article supplier has to provide, free of charge, the names of all SVHC included in the article (> 0.1% w/w) and sufficient information for its safe use [Article 33(2) REACH]. LIFE AskREACH gives you the tool to fulfil this obligation most efficiently.
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